Cloud Native Networking vs Legacy Networking

September 23, 2021

Cloud Native Networking vs Legacy Networking

If you're looking to migrate to the cloud or build a new cloud-native application, networking is a crucial component to consider. Cloud-native networking differs from the traditional legacy networking that we're all used to using.

In this article, we will be taking an unbiased look at both types of networking to help you make an informed decision for yourself or your business.

Legacy Networking

Legacy networking, also known as traditional networking, involves managing your infrastructure, physical servers, and networking hardware separately. It's a rigid and inflexible way of networking, where a lot of manual configuration is required.

This approach to networking is becoming outdated as more companies move to the cloud to modernize their infrastructure. It has several disadvantages, such as:

  • Scalability is hard
  • Latency issues
  • Configuration of individual servers is hard
  • The hardware needed can be expensive

Cloud Native Networking

Cloud-native networking, on the other hand, involves managing your network using software that's built to run on a scalable, cloud-based infrastructure. It's an efficient and flexible way of network management that allows businesses to scale up or down as needed.

In cloud-native networking, the applications are containerized, and the network is automated, which allows for much easier management and helps minimize human error. Here are some of the advantages of cloud-native networking:

  • Easy scalability
  • Minimal latency
  • Automation of network configuration
  • Cost savings

Cloud-native networking is becoming more popular as organizations move their infrastructure to the cloud. A recent study by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) found that 58% of businesses use Kubernetes for container orchestration in the cloud.


Here is a quick comparison between Cloud Native Networking and Legacy Networking:

Legacy Networking Cloud Native Networking
Network Configuration Manual Configuration needed Automated configuration
Scalability Hard Easy
Latency issues Common Minimal
Hardware requirement Expensive Minimal


Cloud-native networking is an essential part of modernizing infrastructure, and the numbers prove it. Companies can benefit greatly from using cloud-native networking due to its scalability, easy management, and cost-savings. It's the way of the future, and it's the best choice for businesses looking to migrate to the cloud.


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